Many of you make charitable contributions throughout the year to various organizations. Some give cash to a church or other religious organization. Others of you may make donations to Goodwill or the Salvation Army, whether it be cash or household items. Still yet, others of you make contributions to less recognized institutions. When making these contributions, you'll want to be sure that the contribution is to an IRS recognized charitable organization.
Now you might think to yourself, "How can I know for sure?" Well, the IRS has a publication available to provide guidance in this area.,,id=96136,00.html is a link to Publication 78, the definitive guide to recognized charitable organizations. This online guide features a search function, and lists recognized, revoked, and suspended organizations. Making a lawfully deductible contribution of cash or property to an organization has never been easier.
Fortunately, you don't have to wonder whether or not an organization is truly a recognized charity. You can have certainty when you give money or property to an organization that the IRS will allow a tax deduction for that contribution. Otherwise, you could lose your deduction and be subject to penalties and interest, even if your intentions were noble.